The most popular Chinese store is changing its logo and design. Exclusive competition for Xiaomi Planet - Xiaomi Planet
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China's most popular business is changing logo and design. Exclusive contest on Xiaomi Planet

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Peter Kunč

what I like the most is the smiley in the sense of connecting the joy of shopping

Admin of Xiaomi Planet

Greetings to all Xiaomi fans! We hereby officially end the competition. Thank you to all six contestants for participating in our mini-competition 🙂 Well, the better the chance of winning for you. We randomly selected the comments via a number generator (yes, generated a random number from 1 to 6: D) and the choice fell on @filiptaslin: disqus. Congratulations! Write us an e-mail to us via Facebook, via which you are registered on Gearbest and we will credit you with a special $ 20 coupon. Be sure to follow us.

Filip Třaslin

What I like the most is that it's clearer and especially the yellow color is so cheerful and pretty, I just like it a lot and the logo is great too, it has a modern design and I like it ???

Adam Malý

What I like most is the whole tuning of the site to yellow

Samuel Dzurisin

What I like the most is the yellow color of the gearbest logo. ?

Jan Jerábek

What I like the most is the overall new gearbest concept. Anyway, the yellow color in the logo is also great :)

Pato Lenard

What I like the most is their logo where they creatively used the letter G 🙂