Amazfit GTS 2 New Version watch in global version: COUPONS
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With a coupon under 60 €: Beautiful Amazfit GTS 2 New Version smart watch with Bluetooth calls and memory for music

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can I please pair the watch with external sensors? sensor of cadence, speed, chest waist, etc. well thank you


GTR2 should also have NFC. Will data be paid with them with us?


They do not have NFC support in Europe.

a break

Is it possible to turn off bluetooth in the watch so that it still carries, don't I use notifications at all? Is it possible to record a voice in the watch something like a dictaphone when they have a microphone? It is possible to control the watch completely without a phone, e.g. setting an alarm time date and the like without a phone?
Thank you for the response.


Bluetooth in the watch can be turned off, directly in the watch settings. We can't confirm the dictaphone, they probably won't have it. The watch settings can be made without a phone, the watch has its own system with settings.


What material is the strap in gtr2 made of? Is it leather in silver?


Good day,
4.12 I ordered the watch through your coupon. My order has still not been shipped. You have more info about sending orders.
I wrote an email to Banggood but no response yet.


Hello, the watch was in advance, but we have no info when the seller should have sent it. Send us the data from your obj. to the email and let's take a look.


GTR2 - even though they don't have NFC support in the EU, do they have the NFC chip / technology in them?

Namely, if they would later connect e.g. payments in the EU thus have a very good extra function.


does the watch have cz or sk language?


Hello, the watch has Czech language.


I ordered a watch through your link, from the same shop as you posted now. The watch arrived, but I was struck by the date of manufacture of the watch - January 2021.
So a sale of two years' worth of stock and not new.


The GTS 2 is not a new watch. It's an old model, no wonder.


I ordered GTR 2, about which you write that this year the manufacturer also paid attention to the built-in dials, of which there are really many. So I don't know if watches made more than two years ago meet this benefit.


Hello, I ordered gts2 from your link and I received an empty box without watch and charger. Please, do you have the ability to get them to accept the refund? Even now I read the reviews and I'm not the only one who has had this happen with this seller. It is also written in the reviews that it is a problem to defend it. Thanks and people read the reviews, especially the worst ones


Hello, we are very sorry about this. It is necessary to open a dispute on Aliexpress if possible and we believe that together with Ali you will be able to solve it. Try entering the tracking number into the system, the weight information should also be displayed there, or the ExpressOne system also has the weight information, it can be screenshotted. Send us more information by e-mail or FB message, order number. also the tracking number for the package and we will try to look it up for you. We have one contact for marketing at Ali, we will at least try to solve the problem through this, even if he doesn't really want to solve customer problems directly.


Will there be a coupon?

Last edited 2 months ago by Peter

Yes, from tomorrow 22.11. 9:00 a.m. new coupons for Black Friday sales start 🙂 We have them all here