Xiaomi Mi Router AX9000: Animal between routers (COUPONS)
Xiaomi Deals

These are the best offers for the SK market, cheaper than the Chinese: Inflated Xiaomi Mi Router AX9000 with a 5G band for gamers and a speed of 9000 Mbps

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When reviewing the xiaomi ax3000, it was mentioned that the application should be used when setting up the router for the first time, as it is in English. I won't even cut in Chinese. Is it the same with this router?
And another question is about mains power. It writes that it needs 12V 4Ampere.
Is a European transformer included?
If not, can an alternative be used?


The AX9000 is currently only in the Chinese version, so yes, you need to use the app for the initial setup. The adapter has a Chinese end cap, but the seller is adding a reduction to our sockets, or you can buy a quality one, without any problems, also in local SK e-shops.