Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Competition - Competition Rules - Xiaomi Planet

Article I

Introductory provisions

  • These competition rules are the only binding rules for participation in the competition (name of the competition), compliance with which is a condition of participation in the competition and which regulate the beginning, duration and end of the competition, participation in the competition and the rights and obligations of the company and participants.
  • The organizer of the competition is the company:

trade name: Planets, sro

with registered office: Kollarova 85 Martin 036 01 

Company ID: 52 215 113

Registered: 13.03.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX

Deputy: Juraj Török, Managing Director

(hereinafter also referred to as the "Company"),

  • Competition according to these rules (hereinafter also referred to as "competition") is not a game of chance under Act no. 171/2005 Coll. On gambling and on the amendment of certain laws as amended. The competition will take place on the territory of the Slovak Republic from 14.2.2020 to 29.2.2020 and also as the "duration of the competition"), with the draw of the winners of the competition in 1.3.2020 in accordance with the provisions of these rules.

Article II

Provisions for the course of the competition

  • The company will publish a competition post via the Xiaomi Planet website for the duration of the competition: “XiaomiPlanets.com is celebrating 1 year and we are launching a brutal competition for the 108-megapixel Xiaomi Mi Note 10!"
  • During the competition, the company will remind you of the competition post with other non-competition posts on the Xiaomi Planet website and social networks.
  • Contestants have the opportunity to respond to the contest post in accordance with its wording. The answer will be made by filling in the competition form.
  • On 29.2.2020 at 23:59 the competition ends with the consequence that the primary company withdraws the opened competition entry from the Xiaomi Planet website or, in the absence of it, any response to the competition entry will no longer be included in the competition selection process under these rules and with each such public sharing of the competition according to this paragraph, the person who performed it does not have the right to be included in the process of selecting the winner of the competition.
  • The company is entitled to modify these rules on an ongoing basis. Such a change does not give rise to any rights of the competitor against the company, in particular no right to compensation for any damage.

Article III

Participation in the competition

  • Any natural person who has reached the age of fifteen, is competent to perform legal acts, with an address for delivery in the Slovak or Czech Republic, who meets the conditions for participation in the competition according to these rules (hereinafter also referred to as "competitors") can become a competitor.
  • The person according to Art. III par. 1 of these rules at the moment when he completes the competition form and completes the answers to the competition post according to these rules and has the right to be included in the process of selecting the winner of the competition according to these rules. The competitor is identified in the competition by e-mail, which he inserts into the form. Contestants can earn a bonus point within the contest for tagging Xiaomi Planet and Deal Planet sites / profiles on Facebook or Instagram, as well as sharing the contest on the participant's Facebook profile. Obtaining a bonus point is not a condition for participation in the competition and is only a voluntary decision of the participant.
  • The competitor has the right to participate in the competition only once. If a competitor repeatedly participates in a competition using various profiles created by him or allowed by third parties to use them, he loses the competitor's position and at the same time the right to win. In the event that the prize is handed over to such a person and subsequently proven to be in breach of the obligation under this paragraph, the company has the right to refund the prize.
  • The competitor may not provide in the answer information of a commercial or non-commercial nature unrelated to the competition position and may not provide information capable of interfering with the rights of the company or third parties.
  • The Company reserves the right to unilaterally decide not to include a person who has responded to a competition post, especially if it provides other information of a commercial or non-commercial nature unrelated to the competition post or if such information is capable of infringing on the rights of the company or third parties.
  • In the case according to Art. III par. 3.5 of these rules, the company reserves the right to remove or block such a response and take all measures to prevent the consequences of this action. The right of the company to claim the rights arising from this proceeding is not affected by the performance of the acts in question.
  • Competitors must not be an employee of the company or a close person of an employee of the company; the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply mutatis mutandis to the definition of a close person.
  • By participating in the competition, the competitor confirms his / her agreement with the wording of these rules and undertakes to comply with them.

Article IV

The process of selecting the winner of the competition and delivering the prize

  • On March 1.3.2020, XNUMX, the company will select one winner of the competition by random selection in the form of a draw using electronic means.
  • Each winner of the competition will be informed by the company immediately after his / her draw, the company will ask the winner to deliver the address in Slovakia or the Czech Republic to which the prize is to be delivered to the winner of the competition. If the winner of the competition does not notify the company of the address within one calendar week from the date of sending the information about the win by the company, the winner loses the right to win the competition, but the company reserves the right to unilaterally decide how to handle the win.
  • After delivery of the correspondence address of the winner of the competition in the Slovak Republic, the company will deliver the prize using postal transport or through courier services at the company's expense.
  • If the winning prize is returned to the company unaccepted for any reason (rejection, non-acceptance within the collection period, etc.), the winner of the competition at the time of return delivery of the winning prize company loses the right to win the competition, with the company reserving the right to unilaterally decide how to deal with the win.
  • The Company is not responsible for damage to the prize during its transport to the winner of the competition and the winner of the competition has no right to claim any compensation in case of damage to the prize. At the same time, the company is not responsible for delays in delivering the prize due to reasons on the part of the postal service or courier service.

Article V

Provisions to win

  • Participation in the competition or winning the competition does not establish the right of the participant in the competition or the winner of the competition to any financial performance, either by the company.
  • After fulfilling the conditions under this statute, the winner of the competition will receive a prize in the form of a movable thing, namely:
  1. Xiaomi Mi Note 10 smartphone
  • The winner of the competition is obliged in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act no. 595/2003 Coll. on income tax, as amended, to fulfill his obligations as a taxpayer.
  • The company will provide the winner of the competition with information about the value of the prize. This non-monetary income also forms the tax base (partial tax base) on income according to § 8 letter i) of the Income Tax Act.
  • The Company reserves the right to change the scope and content of the prize, if necessary, especially in the event of inability to deliver the prize in the form of a specified movable item.

Article VI

Company rights

  • The company is entitled to decide on all issues not regulated by these rules, the decision of the company in matters of the competition and the participation of the competitor in the competition is binding. There is no appeal against the company's decision in the competition, the company's decision is final.

Article VII

Rights and obligations of the competitor

  • Participation in the competition is voluntary.
  • During the competition, the competitor is responsible for ensuring that no events or acts, either on his part or on the part of third parties, especially those who are related to him or a similar relationship, do not endanger or interrupt the competition.
  • In the event that during the course of any stage of the competition such facts occur that prevent the proper participation of the competitor in the competition, the competitor is obliged to notify the company without delay; the participation of the competitor in the competition terminates upon delivery of such notice.
  • In the event that a competitor becomes a winner, he is obliged to inform the company of his name and correspondence address immediately after the company asks him to do so for the purpose of delivery of the prize.

Article VIII

Processing of personal data

  • In accordance with the provisions of § 13 of Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data as amended (hereinafter also referred to as the "Act on the Protection of Personal Data"), the competitor, by participating in the competition as a data subject, grants the company (hereinafter referred to as the "operator") as the operator of the Xiaomi Planet website and at the same time as an operator, according to the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act, express consent to the processing of personal data about me, namely (A) for the purposes of creating our own records of contestants, (B) for the purposes of selecting the winner of the competition according to these rules, (C) for the purposes disclosure of personal data in the scope of name, surname, as the winner of the competition in case of victory. The competitor declares that all personal data provided by him are provided to the operator voluntarily, freely, seriously and without error and that they are complete and true. The consent is granted to the operator for a period of 15 years, with the fact that the contestant is aware that he has the right to revoke the granted consent at any time. However, withdrawal of consent cancels the right to win.
  • At the same time, the competitor declares that he is informed in a timely and proper manner about the processing of his personal data. For the avoidance of doubt, it is stipulated that the competitor gives the operator consent to the above extent by participating in the competition aware of these rules and its rights and obligations.

Article IX

Final provisions

9.1 These rules come into force and effect as soon as they are made available to the public via the Xiaomi Planet website.

In Bratislava, on 14.2.2020

Planets, sro

Juraj Török, managing director