Xiaomi is gradually updating its wide portfolio of smartphones to the latest version of the superstructure - MIUI 12. Although many happy users enjoy the update, there will also be those who will find it slower after working with the smartphone again.
If you have this feeling as well, or you can clearly and clearly see that your smartphone is somehow slowed down after the update, this article may be suitable for you. We'll show you how your problem can probably be easily solved.
A simple trick in MIUI 12
The deceleration we have in mind is the jammed operation of the MIUI 12 system, mainly on the home screen or applications overlapping the system (chat headers from Messneger, minimized navigation, etc.).

But keep in mind that this trick may not work for everyone. This is a very specific issue, which is why today's article may not resolve your slow-motion software situation. Of course, you won't pay anything for an attempt.
Now, we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground. First open the Settings application. Next, go to the Applications section, from there to Manage Applications, where you will find MIUI Launcher. When found, click Clear Cache, if it doesn't help, choose Clear All Data.
This process won't take you more than a few seconds, so you can easily come up with a faster smartphone. However, please note in advance that your home screen layout will be erased and restored to its original state. Therefore, consider a deposit before the whole process.
If your chopping problem still doesn't resolve it, you can try downloading the latest MIUI Launcher from of this link. Since launcher updates are released on a daily basis, choose the latest version available.
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