Lowest price 143 € for the 256 GB version in EU warehouse, Planeo still with coupon and 3 year warranty! Redmi The Pad SE is a great affordable 11" tablet - Xiaomi Planet
Xiaomi Deals

Lowest price 143 € for the 256 GB version in EU warehouse, Planeo still with coupon and 3 year warranty! Redmi The Pad SE is a great affordable 11″ tablet

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Please is the coupon no longer valid or am I doing something wrong? Will there be another coupon?
Well thank you.


Hi, use the November coupon: DH20OFFNovember 🙂 We have already updated it in the article as well.


I paid 176 euro instead of 187 euro because I was charged in RON instead of EURO... But thanks for the offer, it's really cheap


I'll do it!
I confirm the payment in the bank application and DH gate displays "Transaction not permitted. Please try another card or contact your bank for more info or try another payment method.”


Hello, yes, that's why we write that you have to pay via Revolut on DHgate.


Hello. I wanted to order this tablet, but it won't take my payment even through the Revolut account, which I set up just so I could order this tablet. Don't know where the problem could be? The tablet costs me €180.36, I transferred €181 and the payment didn't go through. Thank you for the confession


Hello, we have never heard of a payment not going through Revolut, maybe you need more credit, send at least 190 €, but it shouldn't charge you more rather less than what DHgate shows.


Good day. Coupon DH2024MAY20OFF is not working. Do you have another one?


Hello, sorry, here is the correct coupon 🙂 DHMAY20OFFDEAL


Please is the coupon no longer valid or am I doing something wrong? Will there be another coupon?
Well thank you.


Hello, the DHgate coupon for the 256GB version in the German warehouse: DHJULYPROMOTION25 is still valid. You probably applied it incorrectly in the basket. It is necessary to use it in the box as follows:comment image. If it doesn't apply the first time, refresh the entire cart and it should have started there. Don't forget to shop with our Chrome extension on PC to get our VIP support https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/china-planet-vip-podpora/debjifhejpkmibagfindoopnjkoncabm

If you still have a problem with the order, we can handle it for you, we will order directly to your address. Just write to us, preferably a message on FB or an e-mail 🙂 https://xiaomiplanet.sk/kontakt/