With its wide portfolio, the Chinese giant Xiaomi ranks among one of the most universal manufacturers ever. In this article, we will introduce you to another great home gadget that is characterized by its first-class quality. Available via Aliexpress Xiaomi 350 ml mug with seal…
Xiaomi mug with the new stainless steel brand logo for a low price of only € 15
Xiaomi has officially introduced a new product with its new logo. It is a Xiaomi mug made of stainless steel and has even appeared on offer at an international retailer, specifically at Aliexpress. So far the best price Original Xiaomi mug with updated brand logo…
You will never spill the Xiaomi Fiu mug with a volume of 470 ml. It has the lowest price yet
Do you want a mug that cannot be spilled? Xiaomi and the Fiu brand offer a new 470 ml mug with such an interesting design. It also contains heat-retaining layers, thanks to which your drink will stay hot longer. Sale price at the lowest value If you are considering buying…