The intelligent doorbell is nothing new in Xiaomi's portfolio. This type of product is very popular due to low prices and rich features. Now the company is coming up with a new model under the brand Dingling Smart Video Doorbell S.
Several enhancements, including image
Like all versions introduced so far, the new one Smart Doorbell S consists of two devices. It is an outdoor unit with a camera, microphone and speaker powered by a battery and an indoor unit powered by the mains.
First of all, the endurance of the outdoor unit has increased. The manufacturer states that the battery is able to drive the bell up to 6 months. This is provided that it records approximately 20 video files per day for up to 10 seconds. The battery is replaceable and is compatible with most rechargeable batteries on the market.
Another improvement is the viewing angle of the new lens, which has increased to a value 156°. The device has the ability to record video in 1080p resolution. In addition, the video is stored in a codec H.265, which is less demanding on transmission and storage space.
Xiaomi Smart Doorbell S umožňuje používateľom ukladať hovorenú správu, napríklad pre doručovateľa, aby vedel, kde má uložiť zásielku.
Motion detection and voice change
Nový inteligentný zvonček má funkciu monitorovania okolia pred dverami a následným alarmom upozorniť na pohyb pred dverami. Je možné nastaviť vzdialenosť monitorového priestoru a to až do šiestich metrov. Kamera využíva 100° PIR detekčný uhol. Existujú tri úrovne nastavenia detekčnej vzdialenosti: ďaleko, stredne a blízko.
Finally, the bell has a function that is especially popular with women and children. The function has the English name "Variable Voice Intercom" and can change a child's or woman's voice for an adult man's voice. This can discourage a potential criminal from malicious intent.
Samozrejme zariadenie Xiaomi Smart Doorbell S je možné spárovať s mobilným telefónom. Prostredníctvom smartfónu používateľ môže sledovať priestor pred dverami, komunikovať s osobou pri dverách, ale aj získavať notifikácie z alarmu a mnoho iného.
Produkt je dostupný zatiaľ na iba v čínskom obchode Xiaomi za sumu 299 juanov, čo je po prepočte približne 39 € / 998 Kč.
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