Spoločnosť Xiaomi has recently decided on a very interesting investment. It is the purchase of a certain share of a large Chinese company Dongyi Rishengwhich produces various home decorations.
Strengthening the smart home market
According to Xiaomi, this investment will serve to strengthen the business in the industry smart home. We will see how the company handles this in the near future.
We have seen it in the past many interesting products into a smart home and therefore this investment can bring a lot of great news.
According to a foreign website Krasia the investment by Xiaomi was not small at all. It was the amount of 139 million Chinese yuan, which is calculated USD 20,7 million / EUR 17,7 million. It was a redemption 21 million shares, which is 6,6 Chinese yuan, and therefore 1 USD / 0,8 EUR per share.
At the moment, however, the company Dongyi Tianzheng Investment still own 256,4 million shares. This is the situation before the final transaction and bureaucracy. Both companies will help each other, which can positively strengthen not only products for the smart home, but also the overall development of artificial intelligence and subsequent products that will have advanced technology implanted.
It's possible, that new devices will look quite ordinary and they will be indistinguishable from classic "stupid" decorations. They fit more easily into households that want to use 21st century technologies, but do not want the design of hi-tech devices. The cooperation of the companies has been going on since July this year.
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