At the time of the second wave of coronavirus, a number of manufacturers are coming to the veil market. People who wear glasses certainly know perhaps the biggest problem with wearing a veil, which is the fogging of spectacle lenses. Veil Xiaomi MiKN95 they are unique in that, in addition to filtering the air, they ensure that the glasses do not mist up.
Protection against bacteria and viruses
Xiaomi Mi KN95 are drapes that you can use more than once. These are not disposable drapes that need to be discarded after first use. The manufacturer promises to 95% protection against bacteria and various particles present in the air.
KN95 is a Chinese designation of protection level. It is equivalent to the European designation FFP2, or American N95. The number 95 in the name indicates the percentage of protection. This type of drape is a reliable protection not only for the industry, but also against viruses and bacteria.
For comparison, if you make a veil from a cotton T-shirt at home, the protection of such a drape will be at a level somewhere around 60%. The scarf over your mouth and nose only protects you 50%. It is definitely worth buying a quality veil with a sufficiently high degree of protection.
No more fogging glasses
The Xiaomi Mi KN95 drape weighs only 5 grams and is made of fine materials that are pleasant to the touch and do not irritate the skin.
Thanks to the quality 4-layer filtration protects against viruses, bacteria, but also from other microbes, dust, smog and various other harmful substances in the air. It should also protect us against very small particles that have a diameter 0.1 μm. It also filters smoke or fog.
Xiaomi integrated the system into these drapes against foggingwhich will be appreciated especially by those who wear glasses. It is not pleasant to work all day with a veil and glasses that are constantly fogged up. The anti-fog filter section is located at the top. It ensures that the air exits when breathing in front of you, not upwards, as is the case with most drapes.
It is the escaping water vapor, which is found in the exhaled air on the surface of the glasses, that condenses, and thus the glasses are fogged. But nothing like this will happen to you with this veil.
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Price and availability
drape Xiaomi MiKN95 cost 250 rupeeswhich is approximately 2.9 € for a package containing 2 pieces. However, they will also be sold in packs of 5 pieces for 600 rupees (approx. 7 €), which is a bit more advantageous. They are currently only sold in India, but we may soon see them at international retailers as well.