Xiaomi Watch S3 global version has both NFC payments and BT calls: COUPONS
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Famous price only 95 € with a coupon! Xiaomi Watch S3 Global has both NFC payments and Bluetooth calls

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do they use NFC payments with us? e.g. via the curve card (I have it at home) try to check it, thanks, because I need a watch mainly because of NFC payments.. as cheap as possible and this would be very useful, more than approx. 150, I don't want to pay for a watch
S1 active/S1 pro and the globane versions supported nfc payments, maybe I will have these as well.. S2 globally will never be released, if S3 globally really did not have nfc payments, it would be a terrible fail, I believe that the website is wrong and they just forgot to put it there.. a lot customers want to buy them precisely because of this feature

Last edited 8 months ago by stanley77

For me, it took the SLSP card into the system, but when paying, it appeared on the terminals that the card is not supported.


try the curve card and then get your card from slsp, this way it will definitely work for you


Hallo, ich habe die globale Version der Xiaomi Watch S3 heute bekommen. Leider bekomme ich sie nicht mit der Mi Fitness App keupelt. Habe auch schon probiert, den Standort der App auf China zu stellen. Funktioniert auch nicht. Gibt's vielleicht einen Trick/Tipp?