Xiaomi has introduced a few sports sneakers in the past, which have been a great success. This time it brings another to the market under the name Xiaomi Mi Athleisure Shoeswhich will be appreciated not only by runners but also by people who like comfortable and lightweight sneakers.
Lightweight and comfortable
New sneakers from Xiaomi offer maximum comfort mainly due to their design. Technology honeycomb it can eliminate shocks, while the feeling of sports will be at an even higher level.
The mesh design of the Xiaomi Mi Athleisure Shoes ensures great air circulation, which means that even with any sport or long - term use, the foot will not sweat.
Quality lining in the heel keeps the arch of the foot always in a solid state and at the same time secures maximum support whether walking or running. However, sneakers do not have to be directly intended for sports. Thanks for your universal design are also perfectly suited for civilian life.
Memory and at the same time anti-slip foam ensures safety on slippery or wet surfaces. The specially designed sole is also suitable for more challenging terrain, while her grip provides comfortable sports.
Really low price
One could say that sneakers equipped in this way, as well as great ones, must be really expensive. But this is not the case at all. Xiaomi priced these sneakers at only 1 Indian rupees, which is calculated 20 USD / 17 EUR.
However, they are currently only sold in India, but given the previous sneakers, which over time also appeared in international retailers, we can hope that in this case it will not be otherwise.
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