The coronavirus situation is still very open and we are not at all pleased with the predictions of the experts. Slovakia should reach the peak of infections sometime in June, which is still a very long time. And Slovakia was left completely without protective equipment, drapes, respirators or suits.
Pharmacies, local shops, e-shops. It's still sold out everywhere. Although the government has ordered several million veils, they are exclusively for hospitals and paramedics. We, the ordinary citizens, must help ourselves. Many clever housewives have sewn at least a basic drape for their family and loved ones.
However, we know where the drapes and respirators can be ordered from. We have no choice but to turn to Chinese sellers. Many of them even offer drapes in European warehouses with fast delivery from 5 to 10 days.
What will protect against COVID-19?
The infectious patient should wear at least a surgical mask as soon as an infection is suspected. In Europe, healthcare professionals caring for a patient who is infected or suspected are recommended wear a respirator at least class FFP2 or FFP3.

In the United States of America respirator N95 filters 95% airborne particles and can even filter out bacteria and viruses. The information comes from Centers for disease control and prevention. Standard respirator N99 can filter up to 99% of particles.
Chinese retailers usually offer N95 respirators, which is equivalent to European FFP2. The N99 standard is even stricter than the European FFP3. We have also found a respirator that is already highly effective.
It is also important to know that respirators provide protection for only a few hours, after which they need to be replaced if filters can be replaced or sterilized with UV light. We have found an excellent device for sterilizing drapes, respirators, but also smartphones.
Below you will find split products with express delivery via DHL or European warehouses.